Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dancing On Beach Painting

Mono Mono - In library!

a few days and in the new issue of Library Link . It 's a Link Mono : as early as last year, a monograph that explores a complex subject, or at least tries. E 'colorful. It is called start from scratch. Television and culture of the decade .

When does the decade? As it is, this is without doubt the best time to reflect on what happened on television and media in the world of culture and society more generally, in these imaginary year Zero. And what other hand, while announced more Sometimes, we have not yet seen.

The number spread over four sections. The first, India, New mainstream, says the gradual emergence (and the entrance into society) of enzymes independent of the previous decades: now does not scare anybody, and indeed are a good source of income. Keywords: humor, viral, meme, deviance, camp, awkward, ugc, lolcat.
The second part, the abundance tube, think about how the contents have changed, and how the media are confronted with the abundance of offerings, networks, platforms. Keywords: event, panopticon, format, 9 / 11, cultist, trash, global.
The third section, The Fall degli dei , legge le nuove tecnologie alla luce del business, della cultura e della società che hanno contribuito a plasmare e da cui sono state plasmate. Parole chiave: oscilloscopio, walled garden, telematica, cluetrain, cloud, ontologia.
L'ultima parte, infine, Le metastasi del prima , indaga i molteplici modi in cui contenuti vecchi (leggi: classici) sono stati rinnovati, e a volte esplosi, in questi ultimi anni, fino a diventare - talvolta - il loro contrario. Parole chiave: soap, breaking news, reality, network, corpi, Pixar, parodie.

Arricchiscono il volume due classifiche - i dieci brand degli anni Zero e le dieci tecnologie che hanno rivoluzionato la nostra esperienza dei media - And a match from the future.
The authors are renowned as usual, in many ways, from the television world to academia, from journalism to literature, from blogs to business: Henry Jenkins, John Ellis, Aldo Grasso, Carlo Freccero, Francesco Pacifico, Violetta Bellocchio, Thomas Tessarolo, Marco Vecchia, Stefano Pistolini, Zaccuri Alessandro, Maurizio Ferraris, Michele Boroni, Nico Morabito, Emilio Pucci, Carlo Momigliano, Massimo Scaglione, Matthew Bittanti, Francesco Spampinato, Fabio Cleto, Massimo Temporelli, Davide Turi, Manolo Farci, Anna Sfardini, Francesca Pasquali, Antonio Dini, Matthew Lenahan, Gregory Paolini.

As for graphics, the illustrations are by Ben Jones the collective PaperRad, remixing material made earlier with fluorescent colors, in perfect mood year Zero. It also gives the jacket a few surprises "touch" ...

What else? Nothing, if you do not: enjoy!


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