A series of books, a collective heritage.
The necklace international travel Cahier " - Motions Exhibitor Presentation
17.05.2010 13:00 h
Area Authors A
by Edizioni Historica
Speakers: Sabrina Campolongo , Cernoia Graziano, Francesca Mazzucato, Paolo Melissi
spite of my fever, I tell a beautiful presentation, satisfactory in all respects. I'm happy. For the publishing house, for the series, for me, and especially for them, the authors, and their beautiful books. Be united and be able to make a project a collective heritage, really able to expand look and make strong bricks, creating bridges. Sorry I have been there physically (the weakness and fever I do not have their permission) but who was to be had, meanwhile, books, and there were. And how. Then the authors. Paul, Sabrina and Graziano. So budding occur, hybridization, so things happen that walk by themselves. With a strong sense of interdependence. Thanks to the publisher Historica, all authors who have passed during the show to give value.
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