Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Non-religious Wedding Ceremony
Sguardi su Link Mono/4 - Di palinsesti più ricchi e programmi divenuti evento
And here we are at the last stage of our pre-Christmas survey by Link Mono. Last but not least , today, it's the second section, entitled The tube abundance, making a note to the history of American television (the one, monumental, Eric Barnouw). But if that book is still in the early nineties, Link goes much further. And he realizes that the bulk of television news of the year Zero is not contained in the individual, as in the multiple meanings that each takes in the new context of production and consumption.
a context that is now abundant, exaggerated, even chaotic, and sometimes indigestible. The solution is to acquire (or equip viewers) useful tools to navigate this complexity. Noticing that the TV can become event, able to stop for a moment the flow of the various schedules and catch the attention of audience, and entire communities. That gender should not be an excuse, if anything, the incentive to invest more in creativity. What can you love television in many different ways, some of them still viewed with contempt, and the little finger raised. That production from the bottom up and buy user-generated content more value in beautiful packaging. And much more.
The piece that we offer you today is that of John Ellis - can be found here. The average student of English, a professor at Royal Holloway in London, written specifically for us, an ideal result of his book Seeing Things , which divides the history of television in three eras: the scarcity, the availability, abundance. It focuses on the last stage. Seeing how things have changed yes, but to a lesser extent than expected. And underlining the continuing role of the generalist broadcasters, the only one able to create events, even in times of cross-platform and global markets.
Happy reading!
And here we are at the last stage of our pre-Christmas survey by Link Mono. Last but not least , today, it's the second section, entitled The tube abundance, making a note to the history of American television (the one, monumental, Eric Barnouw). But if that book is still in the early nineties, Link goes much further. And he realizes that the bulk of television news of the year Zero is not contained in the individual, as in the multiple meanings that each takes in the new context of production and consumption.
a context that is now abundant, exaggerated, even chaotic, and sometimes indigestible. The solution is to acquire (or equip viewers) useful tools to navigate this complexity. Noticing that the TV can become event, able to stop for a moment the flow of the various schedules and catch the attention of audience, and entire communities. That gender should not be an excuse, if anything, the incentive to invest more in creativity. What can you love television in many different ways, some of them still viewed with contempt, and the little finger raised. That production from the bottom up and buy user-generated content more value in beautiful packaging. And much more.
The piece that we offer you today is that of John Ellis - can be found here. The average student of English, a professor at Royal Holloway in London, written specifically for us, an ideal result of his book Seeing Things , which divides the history of television in three eras: the scarcity, the availability, abundance. It focuses on the last stage. Seeing how things have changed yes, but to a lesser extent than expected. And underlining the continuing role of the generalist broadcasters, the only one able to create events, even in times of cross-platform and global markets.
Happy reading!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Racing Games Suggestion
Sguardi su Link Mono/3 - Di esplosioni nuove di cose vecchie
While Link Mono arrives on TV - tonight at 21.45, the weekly episode of The big talk (on Tv2000, channel 28, digital terrestrial and satellite ) will be entirely dedicated to start from scratch, our guest conductor Fabio Guarnaccia - we continue to tell his sections.
And we get to the fourth part, the first metastases. Since it is often said that there is never anything on TV again, that the programs remain the same year after year and that innovation has disappeared almost completely, we tried to see if it is true. Noticing that, yes, most kinds of schedules and draws on "classic" texts. But also that many things have changed, piccoli spostamenti e parziali ibridazioni che, accumulandosi, hanno generato valanghe. L'informazione è scivolata verso la soft news, con breaking che non hanno più nulla di urgente. I sentimenti e il privato sono finiti dentro reality sempre più rivolti alla costruzione della propria identità (che sia reale o fittizia, poco importa). I cartoni sono diventati letteratura. I corpi in tv sono sempre più manipolati e manipolabili.
Tra le varie cose, le serie televisive, anche quelle "di nicchia", si sono avvicinate sempre di più alla soap opera, come racconta Nico Morabito nel suo articolo - che, da oggi, potete leggere e scaricare qui . Se persino Mad Men ricorre agli stilemi di Beautiful , se Desperate Housewives ripete le stesse storie a distanza di un paio d'anni, se persino il procedural duro e puro diventa The Good Wife , c'è forse da chiedersi se non siamo diventati - tutti! - delle casalinghe. E per quanto durerà.
Quindi, due compiti per il weekend: 1. guardarci in tv , 2. leggere (se non l'avete già fatto) l'articolo !
While Link Mono arrives on TV - tonight at 21.45, the weekly episode of The big talk (on Tv2000, channel 28, digital terrestrial and satellite ) will be entirely dedicated to start from scratch, our guest conductor Fabio Guarnaccia - we continue to tell his sections.
And we get to the fourth part, the first metastases. Since it is often said that there is never anything on TV again, that the programs remain the same year after year and that innovation has disappeared almost completely, we tried to see if it is true. Noticing that, yes, most kinds of schedules and draws on "classic" texts. But also that many things have changed, piccoli spostamenti e parziali ibridazioni che, accumulandosi, hanno generato valanghe. L'informazione è scivolata verso la soft news, con breaking che non hanno più nulla di urgente. I sentimenti e il privato sono finiti dentro reality sempre più rivolti alla costruzione della propria identità (che sia reale o fittizia, poco importa). I cartoni sono diventati letteratura. I corpi in tv sono sempre più manipolati e manipolabili.
Tra le varie cose, le serie televisive, anche quelle "di nicchia", si sono avvicinate sempre di più alla soap opera, come racconta Nico Morabito nel suo articolo - che, da oggi, potete leggere e scaricare qui . Se persino Mad Men ricorre agli stilemi di Beautiful , se Desperate Housewives ripete le stesse storie a distanza di un paio d'anni, se persino il procedural duro e puro diventa The Good Wife , c'è forse da chiedersi se non siamo diventati - tutti! - delle casalinghe. E per quanto durerà.
Quindi, due compiti per il weekend: 1. guardarci in tv , 2. leggere (se non l'avete già fatto) l'articolo !
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Gameshark For Pokemon Emerald Rom
Sguardi su Link Mono/2 - Di robetta indipendente diventata centrale
Continuiamo la nostra esplorazione sull'ultimo numero monografico di Link . Dedicato a cosa è successo in questi anni Zero, anche e soprattutto per cercare di understand where we're going to parry the next time ...
The first pages of the book, in that section by the name of India, New mainstream, trying to map the resurgence of many phenomena already identified in previous years, but never in a central position within the culture, media and society. As if the previous decades had been nothing more than the dress rehearsal, backstage and in the back, and only now a variety of factors could tackle the big stage generalist. The underground culture, the camp, ethnic minorities, the diversity of various kinds, video art, humor occupy many more spaces become viral, are needed globally. Perhaps this is the paradigm shift ...
The piece that we offer today, and you can read or download here , is that of Francis Pacific. The writer tries to describe the emergence of resignation and confusion in the mass of all the same, in a world where irony reigns and shows, the gap becomes selflessness, capsized in the mainstream ' awkward, embarrassing the end in itself. There is still room for a different interpretation of reality?
read, read, and let us know!
Continuiamo la nostra esplorazione sull'ultimo numero monografico di Link . Dedicato a cosa è successo in questi anni Zero, anche e soprattutto per cercare di understand where we're going to parry the next time ...
The first pages of the book, in that section by the name of India, New mainstream, trying to map the resurgence of many phenomena already identified in previous years, but never in a central position within the culture, media and society. As if the previous decades had been nothing more than the dress rehearsal, backstage and in the back, and only now a variety of factors could tackle the big stage generalist. The underground culture, the camp, ethnic minorities, the diversity of various kinds, video art, humor occupy many more spaces become viral, are needed globally. Perhaps this is the paradigm shift ...
The piece that we offer today, and you can read or download here , is that of Francis Pacific. The writer tries to describe the emergence of resignation and confusion in the mass of all the same, in a world where irony reigns and shows, the gap becomes selflessness, capsized in the mainstream ' awkward, embarrassing the end in itself. There is still room for a different interpretation of reality?
read, read, and let us know!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Magnum Condoms Vs Regular
Sguardi su Link Mono/1 - Di piedistalli e cadute rovinose
Already we told you about the new Link Mono . And already we have given you a preview of its colors, its wealth of titles and images. Now is the time to try to see what's inside. And so, for a few days, we tell you the different sections that comprise the volume. With some present.
Party - random! - the third, which is titled The Damned . It tells what happened in the year Zero, and what will happen in the future, that vast sea of \u200b\u200bfrantic innovation and continuous revolutions announced that the business, industry, marketing, technologies and applications. To underscore how important it is not to be blinded by the glitter of novelty, but keep in mind the scenario as a whole and understand how fundamental it is to put the pieces of the puzzle system. Even just do not get lost. Emilio Pucci
explains the effects of digitization on markets and consumption, in view of an "offshore" in the coming years will add to the "walled gardens" (and easier). Antonio Dini wonders what sense to think science fiction in a period in which innovations are always around the corner - and adds to the tail section in a ranking of the technologies of the decade, notes, or (guiltily) unknown. Massimo Temporelli reasoning on innovation and Zero as the years have mostly put to use prior inventions and patents, along a classical dynamics. Carlo Momigliano deals with the advertising market, seeking answers to the weakness of the peculiar characteristics of Italian investors. David and Matthew Turi Bittanti pull the strings of a long speech ten years, as regards the relationship between TV and the web (the first) and the world of video games (the second). Just to mention something ...
But not enough. And so, since we are good, we offer two full articles. The first
, Michele Boroni , titled provocatively Kotler is dead (the old guru says the same Boroni on his blog, is alive and well). What remains of the old times in marketing segmentation target, socializing online, viral, prosumers, and so on? Perhaps nothing. And so, in the footsteps of the Cluetrain Manifesto , better stop and think a bit 'on the way to go. The second
, Mauritius Ferraris, it's called Let's pretend and depicts the struggle between two strange ontological entity, TV and PC. Showing as the first almost no longer exists, and as is behind our flat screen and our decoder conceal the seeds of the second. And germs: mobility, flexibility, individuality, deferred, store, writable.
What else? Happy reading!
Already we told you about the new Link Mono . And already we have given you a preview of its colors, its wealth of titles and images. Now is the time to try to see what's inside. And so, for a few days, we tell you the different sections that comprise the volume. With some present.
Party - random! - the third, which is titled The Damned . It tells what happened in the year Zero, and what will happen in the future, that vast sea of \u200b\u200bfrantic innovation and continuous revolutions announced that the business, industry, marketing, technologies and applications. To underscore how important it is not to be blinded by the glitter of novelty, but keep in mind the scenario as a whole and understand how fundamental it is to put the pieces of the puzzle system. Even just do not get lost. Emilio Pucci
explains the effects of digitization on markets and consumption, in view of an "offshore" in the coming years will add to the "walled gardens" (and easier). Antonio Dini wonders what sense to think science fiction in a period in which innovations are always around the corner - and adds to the tail section in a ranking of the technologies of the decade, notes, or (guiltily) unknown. Massimo Temporelli reasoning on innovation and Zero as the years have mostly put to use prior inventions and patents, along a classical dynamics. Carlo Momigliano deals with the advertising market, seeking answers to the weakness of the peculiar characteristics of Italian investors. David and Matthew Turi Bittanti pull the strings of a long speech ten years, as regards the relationship between TV and the web (the first) and the world of video games (the second). Just to mention something ...
But not enough. And so, since we are good, we offer two full articles. The first
, Michele Boroni , titled provocatively Kotler is dead (the old guru says the same Boroni on his blog, is alive and well). What remains of the old times in marketing segmentation target, socializing online, viral, prosumers, and so on? Perhaps nothing. And so, in the footsteps of the Cluetrain Manifesto , better stop and think a bit 'on the way to go. The second
, Mauritius Ferraris, it's called Let's pretend and depicts the struggle between two strange ontological entity, TV and PC. Showing as the first almost no longer exists, and as is behind our flat screen and our decoder conceal the seeds of the second. And germs: mobility, flexibility, individuality, deferred, store, writable.
What else? Happy reading!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dresden Figurine Marks
Una mela al day ...
No, not talking about the Beatles (they all do these days).
Neither Apple (they do all these years).
But yet another type of apple, one of Pomo.
Picking numbers Link , or volumes of Links Search , maybe some of you will be asked who are the madmen behind our graphics solutions: bright colors, Italian illustrators, paper of all kinds , hard cover and spiral binding, photographic images and explosions of Chinese food.
Well, a few days is online their site. It offers a look at their other jobs. And, above all, answers all - absolutely everyone - the curiosity "graphic" behind every Link . From square-fluo-chromium Raelian the Euler-Venn diagrams and nineteenth-century lithographs.
Let us for a ride, it's worth it.
No, not talking about the Beatles (they all do these days).
Neither Apple (they do all these years).
But yet another type of apple, one of Pomo.
Picking numbers Link , or volumes of Links Search , maybe some of you will be asked who are the madmen behind our graphics solutions: bright colors, Italian illustrators, paper of all kinds , hard cover and spiral binding, photographic images and explosions of Chinese food.
Well, a few days is online their site. It offers a look at their other jobs. And, above all, answers all - absolutely everyone - the curiosity "graphic" behind every Link . From square-fluo-chromium Raelian the Euler-Venn diagrams and nineteenth-century lithographs.
Let us for a ride, it's worth it.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sage Tea In Cold Storage Singapore
Link gives away! Browse
Surprisingly, the competition here. And amusement with prizes .
is close at our vintage fan on the Facebook page Link. Ideas for television .
E niente, abbiamo deciso di festeggiare questo traguardo. Regalando all'iscritto con tessera numero 1.000 una selezione degli ultimi numeri e libri di Link . Compreso Link Mono .
Passate parola!
EDIT 03/12: Abbiamo un vincitore, anzi una vincitrice! Maria Laura Borghese è la 1000esima fan di Link e riceverà presto a casa il super-premio...
Surprisingly, the competition here. And amusement with prizes .
is close at our vintage fan on the Facebook page Link. Ideas for television .
E niente, abbiamo deciso di festeggiare questo traguardo. Regalando all'iscritto con tessera numero 1.000 una selezione degli ultimi numeri e libri di Link . Compreso Link Mono .
Passate parola!
EDIT 03/12: Abbiamo un vincitore, anzi una vincitrice! Maria Laura Borghese è la 1000esima fan di Link e riceverà presto a casa il super-premio...
Thick Gooey Sticky Brown Discharge
Link Link
Volete Ripartire da Zero ? Provate a dare un'occhiata al nuovo Link Mono , sfogliando e risfogliando la preview che trovate qui sotto... Il resto lo trovate in libreria!
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