Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gameshark For Pokemon Emerald Rom

Sguardi su Link Mono/2 - Di robetta indipendente diventata centrale

Continuiamo la nostra esplorazione sull'ultimo numero monografico di Link . Dedicato a cosa รจ successo in questi anni Zero, anche e soprattutto per cercare di understand where we're going to parry the next time ...

The first pages of the book, in that section by the name of India, New mainstream, trying to map the resurgence of many phenomena already identified in previous years, but never in a central position within the culture, media and society. As if the previous decades had been nothing more than the dress rehearsal, backstage and in the back, and only now a variety of factors could tackle the big stage generalist. The underground culture, the camp, ethnic minorities, the diversity of various kinds, video art, humor occupy many more spaces become viral, are needed globally. Perhaps this is the paradigm shift ...

The piece that we offer today, and you can read or download here , is that of Francis Pacific. The writer tries to describe the emergence of resignation and confusion in the mass of all the same, in a world where irony reigns and shows, the gap becomes selflessness, capsized in the mainstream ' awkward, embarrassing the end in itself. There is still room for a different interpretation of reality?
read, read, and let us know!


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