Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gay Cruise Spots Raleigh

GF11, Gwendolyn's ex Tavassi REMO expecting a baby

L'Isola dei Famosi è in subbuglio. La terza puntata serale del reality condotto da Simona Ventura (in onda questa sera su Rai 2 alle ore 21,05) farà il punto sull'umore dei naufraghi. Sono bastati, infatti, pochi giorni e Nina Moric ha subito portato scompiglio sulle spiagge dell'Honduras. Il carattere deciso e without the "outspoken" of the beautiful Croatian has already led to several clashes with fellow travelers, in particular the blood Luca Dirisio appreciated that after the arrival, he soon changed his mind. Upside for the food and, most importantly, the excessive use of after-sun cream by the former wife of the Crown. Trivial problems, but in reality a survival gain some weight and undermine the balance of the group. With the arrival of Nina in a team to the elimination of televoting Francesca De Andrè in the other, the team of celebrities is in superior numbers and remote voting that will decide the next elimination between Sondre Lerche, for the second time in nomination for the post of Eleonora Brigliadori, Killian and Nielsen will be crucial. For this reason, Brigitte Nielsen, the mother of Killian, in this study will be to support the twenty year old son during this time of tension. In addition, another contender, Matteo Materazzi has decided to leave the game, will be in the studio, along with Francesca De Andrè, to tell their personal experiences on the island. About defenzione brother of the player, the websites are spreading rumors about a new castaway who would replace him. Among the most popular Pappalardo Laertes, son of singer Adriano (who già partecipò al reality nel 2001) ed ex compagno di Selvaggia Lucarelli. Seconda settimana di immunità dalle nomination per Raffaele Paganini che, insieme a Gianna Orrù, mamma di Valeria Marini, hanno vinto la prova leader della settimana. Durante la puntata verranno effettuate due Prove Ricompensa: Luca Dirisio e Killian Nielsen, i due concorrenti in nomination, saranno protagonisti della prima, mentre rappresentanti delle due squadre si affronteranno per vincere la seconda prova. Fonte: La Stampa


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