Friday, March 11, 2011

What Is The Best Graphics Monitor

gf11: Nando comes out, you have only used daisy, has betrayed her and homophobic ideas

Comincia anche per Angelica Livraghi il viavai di interviste che caratterizzano l’immediato percorso dei concorrenti eliminati. Le dichiarazioni a MondoReality ruotano intorno ai temi più discussi della sua permanenza in casa. Uno di questi era stato la sua presunta  omosessualità confermata da un’amica di liceo
, dopo le rivelazioni di Guendalina. Come già avvenuto in diretta tv, Angelica smentisce su tutta la linea: “
Mi piacciono solo gli uomini and I have no problem, women are not phobic, then kiss a woman or a friend is not a sexual thing for me. It's just a gesture of affection and joke. "
Another key point in the experience of Big Brother 11 was the relationship with Gwendolyn, is proving to be vital to come out each answer. If asked why the others see it as fake feel-good, the answer is that Gwendolyn knew it was a possible winner, and I was afraid like everyone else. If asked why her story with Ferdinand was accepted by many skeptics, the response contains a 50% defense motion for sincerity of his love, 50% of an indictment for Gwendolyn, guilty of having made all the flea in the ear.
a flood of eloquence, when you give the opportunity to talk about his ex-girlfriend Gwendolyn
Tavassi "
She knew what to do before they do it and I still do. I hope that his game is crippled ... the only way to put the lie is Gwendolyn herself because others do not ever succeed, it's too smart, too smart. Just by itself and hope that it will happen as soon as possible.
continues on: # ixzz1G799vxlR  
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