11-CRONACA big brother big brother
BIG BROTHER 11 - Last night at the Big Brother Biagio D'poor Rings is almost blanched when he saw him come home in a fury as the former gieffina (and his current girlfriend) Simona Salvemini that after a few minutes of discussion broke out in tears, destroyed by the words and the alleged kissing her boyfriend and the new Rajae Bezzaz entry. And while viewers of the program felt her heart sink at the sight of her face pulled, bleached and wet with tears of the poor Simone, a woman at his house watching television grew laughs thinking that someone up there had decided to them a welcome gift. This is Flora Canto. Fans of Men and Women will remember as a tronista in the 2006/2007 season. During the program he met Flora De Filippi e scelse Francesco Pozzesere che però la mollò praticamente all’altare. Il motivo di tanto astio nel confronti di Simona? Semplice, la Salvemini durante la sua permanenza nella Casa conquistò Filippo Bisceglia, ai tempi fidanzato con Flora. Ecco cosa ha scritto ieri sera l’ex tronista sulla sua bacheca di Facebook:
“Non credevo che vedere il Grande Fratello potesse dare tanta soddisfazione!!!… la ruota gira…….”
“incredibile come la vita ti ripaghi con la stessa moneta….”
“Oddio… questa scena fa paura… un dejavu al contrario….”
"But remember that I spent??! But never, ever thought of taking over this rematch! I hope you tried one quarter of what I had spent! She girlfriend of eight months ... I was two years ... "
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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What if n is on Tuesday there was a summary of the highlights of the evening episode of Big Brother? Last night, Andrea discovered that her Szilvia has betrayed him with a Bulgarian guy named Marian. Despite all the italogiapponese did not immediately believed the statements of the alleged lover, was through the intervention of Alfonso Signorini who managed to take off at least a slice of ham in one eye.
The boys of the house said that after the discovery of the betrayal is bad Andrea, Rosa adds that he even thought of leaving. Perhaps to slap?
Margherita in the confessional about Andrea: "I'm glad you came up with this story, at least you know it. So it can decide whether to forgive or not. I hope you do not forgive her. Szilvia now regret it, all Italy will want it. "
Andrea, after the evening, he admits in the confessional: "I feel very weak, confused, deeply alone, devoid of strength. I do not know if I'll make at this time. But if so why have you sent the video message and then you call me? I feel only a great sadness for the things I wanted to do with her ". Basically a man one step away from suicide.
During the evening there was also talk of Biagio and Raja, the two have exchanged during the week to keep effusions. This tenderness did not like the girl to him, Simona Salvemini. This has got to talk to the Apulian live. After clarifying comments Rajae what happened:
"It changed the way she just saw her. I thought I saw the lady to deal with his thing. The way he spoke I thought it was a relationship so ephemeral. "
Almost all the boys think it's Simon who are pretending Biagio, who have agreed to enter the house first to show a little 'soap operas. And how he's wrong? SOURCE
Day 134
Grande Fratello 11 e Facebook - Andrea, Szilvia, Marian, le corna e gli autori del reality
Una lettrice ci segnala una questione che riguarda Facebook e i concorrenti del Grande Fratello.
Facciamo una premessa: ieri sera, mentre si consumava il disvelamento delle corna in diretta (il triangolo riguarda Andrea Cocco, Marian Kurpanov e Szilvia Miskolczi. Per farla breve, Kurpanov e Cocco sarebbero stati fidanzati di Szilvia, contemporaneamente e all’insaputa l’uno dell’altro. Il tutto da prima che il Cocco entrasse al GF. Nel corso della ventesima puntata, Cocco ha appreso la cosa dalla viva voce di Marian), si è citato Facebook. Il popolarissimo social network fa dunque una comparsata inattesa all’interno di un reality show: la crossmedialità supera il reality e tutta la vicenda delle corna rimbalza violentemente nella vita “vera”. O almeno in quella virtuale, che, in teoria, a meno di una straordinaria operazione di viral marketing da studiare nei minimi dettagli mesi prima di un’ipotetica messa in onda, sfugge al controllo di agenzie, riviste di gossip e quant’altro.
Ma torniamo a ieri. In particolare, Andrea si è chiesto come potesse, Marian, non sapere che Szilvia fosse già fidanzata con lui, visto che sul profilo Facebook di Szilvia compariva la voce relativa al fidanzamento. Andrea dice la cosa sia in confessionale sia a Marian.
La Marcuzzi, a suo dire in seguito a verifica degli autori, dice ad Andrea che sul profilo Facebook di Szilvia non si fa alcun accenno a fidanzamenti.
Il che sarebbe un’ulteriore mazzata per il concorrente.
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rande Fratello, Raoul: "Guendalina? E' ancora innamorata di Remo"
«Se ci fossimo incontrati
fuori dalla Casa sarebbe andata diversamente»
FULVIO CERUTTI (Agb) Raoul Tulli è uscito dal Grande Fratello dopo 42 giorni di permanenza dentro la Casa. Un'esperienza fra alti e bassi che ha mostrato il suo lato divertente non sempre concepito come tale da parte degli altri inquilini. In particolare il rapporto con Guendalina è passato dal corteggiamento all'astio, situazione che probabilmente ha penalizzato il muscoloso concorrente romano.
Come è andata questa sua esperienza al Grande Fratello?
«E' stata una bella esperienza, anche perchè ho trovato lati della mia personalità che non conoscevo. Ho provato delle emozioni che nella mia vita reale difficilmente avevo provato. Allo stesso tempo è stata However, very stressful, not knowing anything about what happens outside, do not have time or activities that mark your day gets a little 'heavy'
Let's move on this love-hate for Gwendolyn. He gave an explanation for this change in your relationship? "The fact is that I have a very strong character. She also. It 's my version of the feminine. She attracted me precisely because of his strong character. I have always been with girls with very weak character. His being different I really enjoyed it. It 's normal that it is not easy to get to be known well in a short time. She has judged at once false and are no longer able to recover the situation "
He regretted having courted? "If I like a woman, I cortege. I like to do original things that make her amazing. I liked the few women in my life and with them I have behaved in this way "And these
his" techniques "have always worked outside the home? "Yes, yes, they have always worked. I am convinced that if I had known Gwendolyn think out of the house would have ended differently. Outside you are alone, you can go to the restaurant, you can go for a walk. In the House you are not alone, you live all the relationships in that context. Then she has this very strong relationship with his suo ex. Anche se non lo vuole ammettere» Sul settimanale "Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni" è uscita la notizia che l'ex di Remo starebbe per diventare nuovamente padre con la sua nuova compagna. Secondo lei come la prenderà Guendalina? «Secondo me la prenderà molto male. Anche se lei dice che rispetta il suo ex compagno, lei è ancora innamorata. Quando si sono incontrati in puntata, lei aveva gli occhi della persona innamorata. Alla stessa maniera in cui Margherita è ancora innamorata di Nando»
Quindi Jimmy non ha nessuna possibilità con Margherita?
«No, Margherita è ancora "cotta" di Nando. Le ho parlato ieri e proprio ancora innamorata. Jimmy è come un fratello. E' una persona eccezionale. Lui, come è capitata a me, ha trovato una situazione ingarbugliata. Se lui avesse trovato Margherita libera, senza pensieri per Nando... allora forse sarebbe potuto capitare qualcosa. Rischierebbe solo di andarsi a cacciare in una caos» Lei ha avuto parole pesanti su Guendalina per il fatto di aver lasciato la figlia fuori di Casa per partecipare la reality. Da lì ne è nata una forte discussione. Pensa veramente quelle cose? «Io ho ricevuto dei valori da parte dei miei genitori che mi hanno sempre insegnato educazione e rispetto. Sono quindi una persona, io Raoul, avessi avuto un figlio non sarei andato a giocare in un quiz. Io non l'ho detto con la cattiveria with which she has thought about it. I've told you how I see it. That is, as I do. She said "But if you do not have a job?". I say, there is work, Vattel looking. It is not that mean you have to go do a reality, however, pay the consequences like your daughter to stay away from "
But as is the situation with Jordan? Is there an attraction? "Giordana known you for three years. It 'was the companion of a very dear friend and colleague. A person who I consider like a brother. I did not know that Jordan came to the GF, when it is due out for physical reasons, there are still bad. I'll be honest, if there was this relationship of brotherhood with my friend ... Well, sure I like the reasoning, as he speaks: it is a very good girl. Then she, along with Jimmy, are the people who put themselves in the middle to defend against Gwendolyn. And one who does this for me is a friend "
But as is the situation with Jordan? Is there an attraction? "Giordana known you for three years. It 'was the companion of a very dear friend and colleague. A person who I consider like a brother. I did not know that Jordan came to the GF, when it is due out for physical reasons, there are still bad. I'll be honest, if there was this relationship of brotherhood with my friend ... Well, sure I like the reasoning, as he speaks: it is a very good girl. Then she, along with Jimmy, are the people who put themselves in the middle to defend against Gwendolyn. And one who does this for me is a friend "
If it had been in a situation like Andrea would have behaved?
"I come from a relationship with a girl that lasted a year and a half. A person to whom I gave. Andrea is a wise man: he is a very frank, very clear and above all very good. I can not say much about the situation, because you do not know. For the character that I have ... is difficult to answer "But she would
was tempted to get out to clarify the doubts? I do not know. On the one hand it is true that he is collecting a great opportunity for professional life, but it is also true that when you are in love is not easy. When I'm in love, I gave up a lot of things. I could do a lot of evenings, but I gave up to stay next to her, "
Now what do you expect in the future? "I am a person who likes to live the present. I do not know what I will do '
continue to do the stripper? "Why not. For better or worse made me eat that kind of work. I am 13 years that I do and as long as I have passion and I want him to do. Also because it is now they are not romantically linked "
And meanwhile his father in the butcher is selling a lot of balls more ... "I'm glad. My father was temperamentally like me. It 's funny, he likes to joke ... "
How would his father in Big Brother? "I'm sure he would win. For the sympathy and the way we do ... mad women and men enjoyed a lot ... I would not change with anybody, "
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