Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Scabies Cure Still Itch


Big Brother 11: Margherita Zanatta takes Gwendolyn Tavassi

the Big Brother house 11 there are been a number of clarifications and confrontations in the aftermath of the elimination of Raoul Tulli. Margarita Zanatta has taken over as the 24 year old mother Gwendolyn Tavassi Roman has met with the entire group. The period of immunity is terminated and the atmosphere in the house most of Italy was once spied hot. Who fears the very next nomination is Gwendolyn and elimination during the live broadcast of last Monday had already entered into crisis when the TV presenter of Channel 5's reality show, Alessia Marcuzzi, announced the second elimination of the evening. The Roman mother dreams of taking home the prize of the GF11 and every day learning a useful strategy game to reach the coveted final. competitor Giordana Sali has preferred an alliance with the group of Ferdinand, Angelica and Rose. Mother talking with David Roman said Margaret in a risk situation may prefer Jimmy Barba her and everything gets her very badly. Margheritaha then resumed Tavassi:
"I do not care about the game, our relationship for me is the most important thing! You come to me first of all, I would never dare to doubt you, while you're doing! "

Big Brother 11, Andrea Cocco will not forgive Zsilvia

image After face to face was in transmission with Marian, "the other fellow" of Szilvia, Andrea Cocco decided to go ahead and do not forgive his girlfriend, the boyfriend of Big Brother 11 says:

I can not, is impossible. She had another relationship, I can not forgive them. Being in here is for me a good and bad at the same time if I was out here, I went straight from her like an idiot. Are there any supporting evidence. It is no longer someone's word against his.
Jimmy tries to comfort him in every way and says

Love is a beautiful thing and very bad. I too have suffered like a dog when I left my girlfriend. But the suffering can come out something nice.
Andrea, with the wisdom and maturity that now characterize it, adds the words: Friend

Only time can help.
Margaret, however, suggests: But she will inspire confidence from the very beginning of your story?
Andrew replies:
I think I autoconvinto. SOURCE


Big Brother 11 daytime March 2, 2011: Margaret Gwendolyn and bring into question their friendship, Andrea does not want to forgive Szilvia

Gwendolyn and Margaret, late of the couple's home more acidic? The Roman told the speaker that the friendly attitude with everyone, but that he / she can not hear anything different from the others. Between the two is an argument about their friendship. Even the 'two spinsters' are angry with each other. Gwendolyn says that the disagreement with Margaret was caused by the behavior of others:
"The are doing the brainwashing." Gwendolyn
Andrea thinks she's jealous of Margaret. Emanuele Ferdinand and instead think that Gwendolyn afraid to go out and he's doing tutto pur di non farsi nominare.

Guendalina, in confessionale, dice su Emanuele e Ferdinando:  “Loro vogliono fare gli amici di tutti, dicono che sono io la cattiva ma se non ci fossi io sarebbero loro i cattivi”. 

Margherita parla di Jimmy: 
“Pensavo che era una cosa sul ridere invece si sta innamorando di me”.
 L’italoamericano parlando con gli altri ragazzi dice di essersi sentito male quando nella puntata di lunedì lei gli ha detto chiaramente che il suo cuore è occupato da Nando. Angelica cerca di consolarlo dicendo che sarebbe meglio lasciarla perdere perché è interessata solo ad avere una friendship and that, if it wishes to deepen, it is for her to come forward. Andrea has spent sleepless night because of the situation with Szilvia, only able to sleep at 7.30. Gwendolyn the GF says
"We have spoken. He says he would have forgiven her, the problem is that it was not a betrayal due to sex, there was also feeling "
. Andrew, in the confessional, she admits: "It just takes time. It is normal that way. I feel bad because I would not like to think it was over. Then I am haunted by flashes of memories and I feel like crying and just after I go up the anger. " Margaret thought that the discovery of betrayal has been a good thing:
"After this discovery I see him in a different light."


Big Brother 11 pilot? Gwendolyn Tavassi blurts out that ... VIDEO

BIG BROTHER 11 - We have submitted to your attention several cases in which the most popular reality show Mediaset revealed more than necessary through mechanisms, errors, gaffes and revelations from part of its protagonists. Sempre più persone si stanno convincendo del fatto che il Grande Fratello sia pilotato dagli autori.
Qualche esempio? Una talpa ha rivelato i nomi del vincitore e dei 4 finalisti del GF, il programma ha più volte nascosto e in qualche modo perdonato le bestemmie pronunciate da Guendalina (cacciando invece concorrenti come Matteo Casnici, Pietro Titone o Massimo Scattarella), molti ex inquilini della Casa hanno dichiarato che il reality è pilotato, lo stesso Davide Baroncini ha rivelato ad Erinela che il GF lo salva sempre dalle nomination, la super maggiorata Rosy Maggiulli ha detto di essere stata costretta a fare docce sexy dagli autori che le “rubavano” il costume per farla lavare in lingerie, ecc, ecc, ecc.
Se avete bisogno di qualche altro indizio per capire quanto programmato, poco spontaneo e forzato sia il programma, ascoltate questa conversazione tra Guendalina Tavassi e Angelica Livraghi.
 Il tema sono le nominations: Guenda rivela alla coinquilina di aver fatto arrabbiare gli autori cambiando idea al momento di fare i suoi nomi e di aver così “sballato” i programmi del GF. La gieffina rivela che ai concorrenti del GF viene richiesto, il giorno prima della puntata, di fare i 3 nomi, in ordine di preferenza, di chi vogliono eliminare. In questo modo gli autori possono farsi quattro calcoli in anticipo e decidere se, il lunedì sera, è il caso di mandare in nomination due o tre concorrenti, risparmiando ai loro “preferiti” l’imprevedibile flagello del televoto. 
Nel video Guenda viene “censurata” dagli autori che prontamente, quando la ragazza racconta ad Angelica quanto si fossero arrabbiati con lei per il cambio di programma, cambia scena proponendoci la triste e sconsolata immagine di un salotto vuoto.
 Troppo tardi però: la romana ha detto già abbastanza .
Cliccate su FONTE ..per vedere il video

Grande Fratello 11, Andrea Cocco e Margherita Zanatta passano la notte insieme. Sta nascendo un nuovo amore?

:huh: Al Grande Fratello 11 tutto può accadere, anche che i due sfortunati cornuti Margherita Zanatta e Andrea Cocco, passino la notte insieme, per alleviare le loro sofferenze d’amore. Sul sito ufficiale del GF si legge: :o: :o: :o: E’ arrivato il momento di dormire e, per far capire di non avere intenzioni peccaminose, l’italo-giapponese, scherzosamente, crea un separé di cuscini tra lui e la speaker radiofonica. I due chiacchierano a lungo sottovoce, bisbigliano parlandosi all’orecchio e ridendo. La concorrente abbraccia il compagno e, dopo un po’, anche Andrea stringe Marghe mettendole il braccio intorno al collo. La varesina allunga nuovamente il braccio con disinvoltura ed in modo mirato su Cocco… Entrambi si abbracciano con molta confidenza! I due vanno avanti così fino alle prime luci dell’alba… :o: :woot: :woot: L’indomani, stando alla segnalazione di un nostro lettore, Margherita ha raccontato a Guendalina che Andrea sarebbe geloso del rapporto che lei ha con gli altri inquilini della casa. Il modello italo giapponese, inoltre, avrebbe proposto di andare con lui in Giappone. :woot: :woot: is emerging a new love, or really Andrea has only tried to be comforted by a good friend, and Margaret is doing a film?

Big Brother 11 daytime March 3, 2011: Message plane to Andrea, Margaret Gwendolyn and make peace, Rosa and David argue
Margherita Gwendolyn after the quarrel yesterday decided to make peace. The two hug and apologize for what happened, particularly the Roman claims to have suffered a lot and pointed out that their friendship will continue even outside. Write down queste parole, poi vedremo se si scanneranno in diretta in qualche trasmissione di Barbara D’Urso.
Andrea, in confessionale, parla di Szilvia: 
“È stata così vigliacca da crearsi un’alternativa? È stata così vigliacca dal non dirmelo?”.
 Gli altri ragazzi parlando della situazione che si è creata e decidono di stare vicino ad Andrea con discrezione. Magari potrebbero fare da sacco da pugile umano per farlo un po’ sfogare. image Andrea alterna momenti di disperazione ad altri di rabbia. Dopo aver parlato con Davide scoppia a piangere, poco dopo inizia a rompere oggetti. In confessionale in lacrime ammette:  “Io non riesco a odiarla!”
. E allora sei fesso!
Arriva un messaggio aereo per Andrea in cui i suoi fans gli dicono di tirarsi su; all’interno si precisa il fatto che non è solo nella sua sofferenza. Margherita, Guendalina e Davide si stringono in un caloroso abbraccio e cercano di confortarlo.
Tra Rosa e Davide si scatena una accesa una discussione. Emanuele assiste alla conversazione senza batter ciglio; quest’ultimo in confessionale ammette: 
“Chi ha iniziato ad alzare la voce, lo dico sinceramente, è stata Rosa” . Il motivo della discussione? Davide accusa Rosa di essere una vittima, che il pubblico la sta votando only out of pity.
Emanuele, after watching the dispute between Rose and David draws his conclusions:
"Why raise your voice so much if you do not care? Obviously, try something else? "
, referring to Rosa.

Daisy is jealous of Jimmy? The speaker admits that after hearing from the Italian-American and Jordan there was a kiss. Jimmy the GF says he actually said in order to make her jealous.


Day 136

Big Brother 11 daytime March 4, 2011: Margaret and Andrew sleep in the same bed, Angelica afraid that Raja's steal Ferdinand

What happened between Margaret and Andrea? The two have stayed together, in particular, was litalogiapponese to have slipped into the bed of the speaker. Gwendolyn comments that something unexpected is happening.

Margaret Gwendolyn tells what Andrea told her
"Marge is a strange feeling, I should be desperate, but I'm happy as hell. When I'm next to you are happy. " But Andrea was not what was ua step by cutting the veins in recent days? Who has passed over the counter drugs? Meanwhile Margaret confesses that she felt attracted to the Roman but always with the thought fixed on Nando. Gwendolyn Margaret advises to throw himself into the arms of Andrew, as it has all the cards on the table to be her ideal man: "You can never meet someone like that. Viviti the emotion of the moment. Maybe another girl can benefit out of his affection. Is the person in your life. " And Jimmy

in all this? Margaret admits to be very happy for being courted by several men "What makes me feel a woman. But I have a storm inside ". You have a storm inside, trying to eat less peppers in the evening. Angelica is jealous of Raja. Rosa, in the confessional, he points out that her friend is afraid to let themselves be conquered by Ferdinand the new arrivata.Angelica GF says
"You're too dead cat. If and when you pull it so the man is more attracted to "
. Ferdinand? The mat has human feelings self?
and Carnival, Big Brother provides everything you need to organize una festa. Per loro ci sono vestiti e travestimenti. Andrea, nonostante il clima molto allegro, continua ad essere malinconico:  “Possono succedere tante cose, ma nonostante io la ami ancora non la posso perdonare” . Questo lo abbiamo capito, ma magari se cambi disco fai un piacere a tutti. FONTE

Giorno 137
image Grande Fratello 11, Jimmy geloso di Andrea litiga con Margherita

Il simpatico ballerino ha avuto una brutta discussione con l'amica. Nella casa del Grande Fratello 11 sembra che sia finita un’amicizia.

Stiamo parlando di Jimmy e Margherita che ormai da qualche giorno si sono allontanati. Come mostrano i video del Gf11, i due amici ieri hanno anche litigato. Il ballerino ha accusato l’amica di essersi comportato male con lei durante la diretta. Si è sentito tradito, secondo Jimmy Margherita poteva tutelarlo davanti a tutte le domande della conduttrice, invece, ha pensato solo a sé stessa. Il ballerino dice di non riuscire più a fidarsi di lei, si è sentito tradito e non sa se riuscirà a essere ancora amico della speaker. Mentre discutevano le ha anche chiesto qualcosa riguardo al suo rapporto con Andrea. La speaker gli ha spiegato che l’italo giapponese sta attraversando a very difficult time and she wants to be near him. After this debate, both have told Release with their friends. Many believe that the dancer had this explosion because of the jealousy I feel for Margaret. The Varese told friends that she does not believe that you have absolutely deluded Jimmy. Rather has always been very clear. Of thought are far from David and Guenda, according to them, Margaret had with his friend too equivocal attitudes, which have misled. This is why Jimmy had a reaction so excessive.
The next day, however, Jimmy and Margaret had a clarification. The funny dancer has apologized for the over-reaction, but continued to seek explanations for Andrea, thus indicating it to be very jealous. Margaret, however, denied all the gossip and reassured his friend saying that she and Andrea there is only friendship.

Big Brother 11, Elio Beard: "Jimmy is not gay is a playboy "


In an interview with Visa Iuvina and Anthony, the parents of Jimmy Beard, speaking fondly of his son.

The couple, originally from Sicily and then went to live in London for business, says:
always been our business was always to grow and sell cucumbers. We work with all other family members. The only one who has ever taken was because Jimmy was a child, he had this strong passion for dance and entertainment in general.
Antonio Iuvina and explain that the desire for Jimmy to become one of the contestants of the reality was so strong as to force him not to go marriage of one of his sisters to do the audition which was held in Rome. This time, however, Jimmy was unable to pass the audition, but now it's finally one of the stars of reality.
Elio's brother, Jimmy, is expressed against those who say untruths about him:
we are angry with Julia lines which, perhaps envious of sympathy because of Jimmy and his ways with women, continues to say on TV my brother is gay. Actually, Jimmy is a playboy, he had a lot of women. He adds: Jimmy was together with a model Frankie Wedge, for two years, and had to marry well, but in April last year she suddenly left him to live in the United States. Jimmy has accepted his decision, but suffered because now you could already married. That's why we do not like to be called gay just because he is kind and different from others.
Iuvina hopes that his son win the eleventh edition of Big Brother:
because it can be a valuable resource for Italian TV. But mostly because, in the midst of vulgarity, is the most polite and friendly.
image Gwendolyn accused of fake gossip to Gf11, the triad falls apart: the video

Dopo le follie di Carnevale tra Margherita ed Andrea, che hanno visto quest’ultimo corteggiare senza remore la varesina per tutta la serata, condividendone il letto in nottata, è ora di tornare coi piedi per terra, e cioè alle follie di ogni giorno. Margherita discute con Jimmy riguardo le ragioni della loro recente e reciproca freddezza, litigano, si riappacificano, e Jimmy confessa di essersi ingelosito per aver ascoltato voci che parlano di qualcosa tra lei e Andrea,  “magari un bacio, o non so cosa”.  Apriti cielo, Margherita corre da Andrea a raccontargli che in giro si dice che si son baciati. Entrambi a quel punto decidono di affrontare i compagni looking for those who spread false news, the one to deny the entry about the kiss, the other rising to deny the report.
Margaret Zanatta earned the show the stage, climbing on a step to better manage the harangue, es'infervora. Soon it turns out that it was a simple misunderstanding of Jimmy (although the real mistake was, as we know, Margaret), Varese and ends up with the resentment given off by now, and the need to vent. Restore the aims and objective changes slightly and decided to investigate who started talking about her and Andrew. Here the scene is the festival of lies and the blame game. We prefer to report, however, telling of the dispute overall, all the lies and contradictions of the protagonists, including the truths that contradict them point by point.

Angelica Livraghi:
response to the request of Margaret about who spread the rumors of a hypothetical liaison between her and Andrea "was Gwendolyn"
. And shortly after announcing:
"I have heard that there was something between you, it just has not happened, and that Margaret had told him (to Andrew): no, it does not seem the case." Gwendolyn
but has never shown any response to Margaret, ergo Angelica has heard of these items to someone else who heard Margaret live (see Rosa and / or Emmanuel).

Rosa Baiano:
immediately clear itself from any accusation of hypothetical chatter: "your affairs are not my business"
, then say a little later:
"I've heard from Guenda and Emanuele, then Did I asked him first, and then she "
. Viva consistency.
Emanuele Pagano:

"Guenda told me that Andrew and Margaret like, and which were above that mess were"
. A real show of fantasy, as sentences of text Gwendolyn Emanuele, in the circumstance in question, were these:
"I said (to Andrew): enter now and kiss him in the confessional. He went on overload, mo vojo Sapé happened. "
Gwendolyn Tavassi:
after all point the finger, following the remarks of Emmanuel, Emmanuel defends himself by saying he thought he knew everything already, since it Andrea had spoken with her while Emma was there at his side, and listened. But Emma was not there: there were David and Raja, while Andrea said that it intends to go to Guenda feet of lead, or risk losing Margherita for a misstep. Andrea Cocco: "But I figured if I do not look around before you speak. " pity that, in addition to the above circumstance, the constant pressing on Margaret took place in broad daylight, including the extreme persistence in asking to sleep in the same bed, while both were David Blaise, so that Biagio said on that occasion:
"come on, leave you alone"
. image
Margaret Zanatta:
"have always been careful not to speak in the presence of others." shame, though, that telling the discomfort that he tried to wake up with Andrea in the same bed when he embraced, not both come to mind in that room with her were Gwendolyn, Raja, Rosa, and Emanuele.

Rajae Bezzaz:

As Margaret tells of the discomfort that Raja is the dumb, pretending not to understand what it's about. Shortly before, however, responding to Margaret, who asked her to Jimmy, he uttered the words:
"we who must hear from you ..."
. A nice cocktail and fried versions, which makes the cost only Gwendolyn, gossip accused of indiscriminately on a delicate situation, for having made a sign with Emmanuel, and for responding to curiosity about Andrew and Margaret Rose said: ; "is clear to everyone, no?" and cornered by her two friends even historians, so that then explode into a sensational reaction, as you can see from our video gf11: henceforth play alone in the house and will have no friends, nor intends to recover any relationship with them.

The height of irony is, in summary, this: everyone knew everything, because even without obvious rumor. And in a situation where everyone was innocent, but nobody felt this, wanted to sacrifice the lamb has run at all costs. A Margaret and Andrew has served to redeem themselves from their ambiguous love in front of everyone, the group of Ferdinand and Angelica was used to divide the face enemy, enjoying the break between Gwendolyn and her two friends, the Big Brother 11 is served to the audience, and the public at home and all fans need to understand is that it is difficult to continue to believe there are still good and bad.

Chronicle last minute: the group of Guenda already bunched up, as always happened, despite the intervening medium is also the rejection of the advances of Margaret Andrew.


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